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Reed's Academy Inc.
3504 Providence Rd. S
Waxhaw, NC 28173
I, Mr. William Reed started “Reed’s Academy” in 1998. My Vision & Mission was to create programs that would allow me to implement….
Character Building, Discipline, Love, Respect, Appreciation, Family Values, Life Skills, Unity, Diversity, Fitness & Self-Defense. These traits, skills and characteristics values should be the foundation of humanity.

I am a proud father of two kids and two grandkids. My son Devin Reed received his black belt in 2014. He was a very successful and accomplished athlete in Football, Baseball and Track. He graduated from Marvin High School in 2022, with a D1 Scholarship to play college football. He’s majoring in exercise science My daughter Kelsie Blakney was also a student in the martial arts and played recreational sports. She graduated top of her class in High School and College. She received her master’s degree in the medical field; she’s also a member of The Delta Sigma Sorority. Kelsie is married and has two kids, Kallie (girl) & Karter (boy) Blakney.


They inspire me to be the best father and Papa, I can be.

I have over 30 years of experience in martial arts. I am a Master Instructor, with countless awards as a National Tournament Competitor/Promoter & Life- Time Achiever. My training was a positive influence in my life. I was able to develop characteristics that would eventually define who I am today, which has also allowed me to build one of the strongest martial arts program in the southeast.